Saturday, September 22, 2012

Apologies, Time-off, and Sunshine on the Beach

UPDATE: as of 9/23/2012 Ashes to Ashes & Cinder to Cinder is available again. Not free yet. Ladle Rat Rotten Hut is today and Mary Mary Quite Contrary
tomorrow 9/24/2012

Huh. Where do I begin.
Ok, As you know Ashes to Ashes & Cinder to Cinder is unavailable on for the second day now. The reason is, according to amazon, that a reader/readers complained about having no table of contents ( in a short story? * scratching my head * ) and that readers with color devices can't read on black backgrounds. ( I remember when we used to read real books, I think we didn't have that option even when you tucked yourself under the blanket with a flash light in your hands, you couldn't turn that page black, damn! )

So I fixed that and send the file back to amazon, totally neglecting the divine coincidence that this happened the day the book was free in what looked liked a successful 5 free day promo, and totally neglecting Amazon's refusal to refund that free  day ( we get 5 free days from amazon every 90 days in exchange of making our books exclusive to them ) . They sent me an email saying that my book is back to life. I go check it. It's still unavailable. So I send them back, blah blah blah. And they say it still needs fixing, which at this moment is beyond my expertise. I checked the book on several devices, it works like a charm. I guess my charm didn't have the power to enchant that specific complaining reader yet.

PS. i want to note that I totally owe amazon, because without them I wouldn't have met all the lovely readers I have now. They have a keen customer service that really cares about both readers and writers, and I thank them for that, but when they do something that I can't understand, I point it out.

So basically, this is almost a dead end for the book. I sent the poor 30 pages to a professional book formatter and I am awaiting a reply, wondering if this is the Queen of Sorrow's curse or something.

Well, the offer is still on, following the dates we agreed upon. It is possible to read to books 1,3,4,5 and then later read 2. You will not miss alot. They are supposed to be separated diaries of different characters. All I can do is apologize and apologize, and then maybe apologize some more, even though I almost have nothing to do with this, and I will surely lose alot by hosting an unsuccessful event where I wanted to put my books out for free.

Now here is why I am writing this post: I am not going to mention all the stupid bad things from hate emails to plagiarism accusations to bad mouthing me on twitter. Although I didn't expect all that, I always convinced myself that I had nothing to do with that. I am peaceful dude who just loves to write. I actually love to write more than I love to get published. The idea of writing itself and messing around with my characters is all the fun I had in this journey. That someone else liked what I spilled out of my brain makes the fun double.
But now all this nonsense is wearing me out. I haven't slept well the last months, sitting in front of a lab top, waiting for amazon to approve my book, or answering every email.
Then I suddenly remembered. "Hey Cameron, Wuzzup. You used to have a life, right? What happened to that?"
So I really rather go to the beach, shake my ass to some music, drink up, and have fun with friends. I feel like Al Pacino in the movies HEAT ( yeah, I know old movie ) when he finally was fed up with chasing Robert De Niro and remembered he had a life that is ten times better than chasing criminals.

So expect me to disappear for a while. i need to clear my head, have fun, and best off all have time to write. And to all those net haters, I have these words for you, like Decca Tenderstone said to the Faya audience in the Zeppelins in the I Am Alive series: Go have a life! Go love somebody, grow up, have fun, and if you can't a smile on your grumpy face, trying to putting on someone else's. And I will add: the hell with grammar, the hell with spelling mistakes, and formatting, and haters, and competitors. Go to the beach and shake you ass to some Rihanna or Gaga music. Live instead of watching life happen on the your computer screen.
God bless all the Monsters and thank HIM for giving us fairy tales.
Over and out:)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Grimm Prequels 5 days FREE Palooza!

UPDATE: THE WINNER OF THE 3rd Free Kindle books of your choice is Shannan Leigh Neff!
                  I am really happy for you Shannan!  Shannan is a dear friend.
                  Second Winner is Ashley Willoughby.
UPDATE 3: As per request I am extending Ladle Rat Rotten Hut for one more day, so it will be free with Mary Mary Quite Contrary on 09/24/2012. Soon I will set a date for Ashes to Ashes to

UPDATE 2: : as of 9/23/2012 Ashes to Ashes & Cinder to Cinder is available again. Not free yet. Ladle Rat Rotten Hut is today and Mary Mary Quite Contrary tomorrow 9/24/2012
Ashes to Ashes and Cinder to Cinder ( Grimm Prequel # 2) isn't available on amazon due to a technical error. It seems this error isn't getting fixed.
to know more click this link
I am not sure if this event should be called palooza, but what the heck, it feels like a party:)

The Grimm Prequels from 1 to 5 will be FREE for 5 days from the 20th of September until the 24th. Each day, a new prequel will available for free on's kindle, including the latest Mary Mary Quite Contrary.

For those who have been reading the series, I suggest you download the newer versions of the previous prequels too ( you will have to delete your older version on your kindle in order to do that ) because the newer versions are professionally edited, with added/removed parts that tighten the novellas, and have my author's notes at the end of every prequel explaining some references and where the ideas came from.

Please make sure you remember the dates because each book will only be free for 24 hours:
1) Thursday 09/20/2012 : Snow White Blood Red.
    Get it FREE HERE:

2) Friday 09/21/2012  ( NEW DATE WILL BE ANNOUNCED ): Ashes to Ashes and Cinder to Cinder
    Get it FREE HERE:

3) Sunday 09/22/2012: Beauty Never Dies
    Get it FREE HERE

4) Saturday 09/23/2012 and 09/24/2012: Ladle Rat Rotten Hut
     Get it FREE HERE

5) Monday 09/24/2012 : Mary Mary Quite Contrary
    Get it FREE HERE

for a reminder a day before the event you can attend the event on goodreads

MEANWHILE, the 3rd free GIVEAWAY of any kindle book of your choice is still on.
you can enter below to win it.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Mary Mary Quite Contrary - Grimm Prequels 5

    Ok. Finally Mary Mary Quite Contrary is finished. Surprisingly, it's  as short as Snow White Blood Red. That's because it's straight to the point. You get to meet Mr Devil, and learn new things about Peter Pan, Brothers Grimm, Ladle Rat Rotten Hut, and of course you get to meet Mary ( whoever trat is )
    This prequel, although short, took the longest to write. It's because it has a certain message that I want to get across without spoiling too much about the Fairy Tale World. And seriously, at least to me, it has one of the most original twist I have ever read. It's one one of those twist that totally make sense as if it's not a twist at all. Also this prequel is different and darker in a good, silly, childish kinda way.
    One of the best things I like in this prequel that it will explain a controversial scene at the end of Snow White Blood Red. I hope this we let get used on things that sounds vague in one prequel but will always be explained later. I always plan before hand.
    I have sent to beta readers to get their opinion on it first, so I haven't decided when I will make it available for free on Like always, the days it will be free, it will have the four previous prequels free as well. This time, they finally professionally edited.

So until then, and don't forget to take a chance of the Free Book second giveaway here