Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Awesomesauce Giveaway 2 $10 Gift Cards of your choice

Ok. With your help and many awesome bloggers help, as of today, The Grimm Prequels are on amazon's top 100 bestselling books, at #30, and no#1 in both Teen Romance and Teen Horror. It might not be a big event for you, but it's very much for nerdy me:) 

So I did succeeded in convincing a friend of mine to host giveaways on my site. I don't know how long she can do it and when, but I will host them whenever she's ready. She's a dear friend, and a mother of two, and she has her reason for doing this and wants to keep her name away from now. Honestly, I'm the little devil behind persuading her, but hey! she did it. lol

So here is what I call the Awesomesauce Giveaway ( just had talk with my editor, Danielle, and she mentioned something about awesome sauce so I decided it to be the name )

The Giveaway is open to any 2 $10 gift cards (I guess by that we mean Amazon or Barnes and Noble). It doesn't just have to be books.
(I'm participating by the way!)

The event ends on the 13th of January.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 through Rafflecopter
Samantha Macarena Olmos Jorquera

Rose Hertz

Expect and email from amazon with your gift cards. CONGRATS!!!

PS. thankfully, as I found sponsors who are willing to finance the giveaways, there will another one soon:)


  1. you always rock and I am glad to have bought the prequel box set and help you reach the top 80 best seller list!

  2. Thanks :) You all helped an incredible deal. Can't thank you enough.

  3. Replies
    1. Enter with your facebook account and choose one of the options like tweeting about the event, every time you do it, you gain points and possibilities. If it still can't work with it email me :)

  4. I've been wanting to read the prequels since forever *o*
    Apparently it's still on my to-read pile. T_T (I'm hoping to buy it soon though, lol.)
    Thanks for the Awesomesauce giveaway! :D

    1. Hey Sophi, I sent you en email:) your blog is bookworming thoughts, right?

    2. Thank yous! :O
      Yep, my blog is Bookwyrming Thoughts. :3

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Holly:) in my case,usually who interested in one series aren't that interested in the other, and some love both ( some hate both but don't tell anyone :)
    if you send me your email, I'd send you a sneak peak.

  7. I love your sense of humor - and your series looks great! (the Grimm Diaries looks FABULOUS!) You never know what cool things you will find on Twitter!!

  8. Thank you Dranea:) Twitter is nice. Hope you like the books.

  9. I absolutely can not wait til your Grimm Diaries comes out. Just finished the first prequel and I want more!

    1. awesome:) thank you. A new set of prequels is coming out soon before the book :)
