Wednesday, August 3, 2016

The Grimm Prequels 19-24 PLUS the Omnibus Edition are here!!!

Evil is A Point of View.

Hey peeps,

I'm excited to announce the release of The Grimm Prequels 19-24, the longest collection yet with over 300 pages of the dearest prequels to my heart. You can get your copy here:

The New Grimm Prequels on
The New Grimm Prequels on Amazon UK

And there is more....
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If you get The Grimm Prequels 19-24 within the next 48 hours, you will get a super-discounted version of The Grimm Diaries Omnibus for only $0.99 (the four books of prequels cost about $12 combined). The omnibus edition is over 1000 pages long and includes an older prequel that's never been published before, plus new and expanded 'author's notes'.

How it works?
1) Get the book in the next 48 hours. 2) Inside, there is a link for an email subscription. 3) Enter you email. 5)Make sure you confirm it by clicking the link sent back to you inbox (or junk folder.) You will receive a special email with a day or two with the link to discounted edition.
Finally, I could only thank you for your support and hope you enjoy the newest prequels as much as I enjoyed writing them.

PS. The paperback of the Omnibus Edition is on its way. Family (Insanity 7) will be available for pre-order soon.

Stay fabulous,


  1. I just discovered your Grimm series and finished the first 18 prequels in 3 days. Pretty well done for a 46 year old domestic engineer with a firefighting husband and 11 year old 6th grade daughter. Honestly, my only hobby (and vice) is reading and smoking in the garage in my quiet times, usually between 11p and 1a.
    Back in 93, I graduated University with a BA in English and many minors under my belt (so many that they forced me out while threatening to make me stay for a Master's program - no more learning interesting subjects for fun...too many hours). Anyhow, 2 of th many minors were in creative writing and folklore, something I wish I had known how to put together as well as you do and make a living out of it. Instead, like most English majors, I became certified in secondary education and settled for a life of dolldrums in puplic education. I am not knocking those brave men & women who sacrifice many things to teach this nation's youth. The angels that can do this are absolutely amazing. Sadly, I was not an angel and that lsted exactly 1 horrible year where red tape and old policies that wouldn't update to bring teaching techniques to the same time period that students could relate to slowly choked me to death. I escaped to a small, privately owned local family chain of used/new bookstores that embraced my quirkines that camouflaged a vast knowledge of classicall and contemporary literature. This is also where all my minors came in handy and I was able to help with the children's section, drama, polotical study, religious study, biographies, history, etc., etc., I worked there happily, spreading literaty knowledge and suggesting some pretty obscure books to happy customers who always came back for more.
    Long story short (way too late, I know) after my introduction to such like Brunvand in College, the section on Folklore & Mythology was my baby. I fell in love with Jack Zipes. I also read any new or different version (publication) of Grimm and others like Yeats and Graves.
    I have only read your first 18 prequels, but I am totally fascinated. I love altered versions of tales. I think I have almost every story about the Arthurian myth just to compare them ( prefer Jack Whyte's). I had already bought the 2nd book of prequels before reading the first bc they looked interesting enough. Just after the first 18, I'm trapped and enthralled. The crazy twists and connections somehow actually make sense if I step away from the story for a second. I am so glad that I found your books and I am sincerely looking forward to continuing my reading. It looks like I have quite a bit more to get through and I am thoroughly looking forward to the adventure.
    I have also noticed your other series, haven't looked at it but am assuming (based on cover art and titles) that it is probably about Carroll's Alice. I'm looking forward to a full novel series.
    Thank you for listening to this sleep-deprived, creativity-impoverished, book-sniffing housewife who is no longer a book snob.
    Thank you for your time and I sincerely hope that yor pen holds as much magic as the universe seems to as it whispers in your creative ears. Thank you.
