Hey everyone,
First of all, I wish you had awesome holidays and hope the new year brings us all the best we desire (especially those things we wished for last year and didn't happen. Got that, Santa!!??)
So, I'm going to do something that is not professional at all for any aspiring writer, but since I consider myself an experiment, and I have no shame in learning and staring back at my flaws (it's the hardest part, believe me), I'm going to remove Girl with Golden Eyes book 4 of I Am Alive series, and REWRITE it! The first three episodes are on a discount right now for 0.99 here if you're interested by the way http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0085W8KIO
Why am I doing this? Because the similarities with Catching Fire of Hunger Games. You know my great passion right now is the Grimm Diaries, but I Am Alive always has potential to be a better series (it was the first thing I published)
Before proceeding, you should know that I had only read about 50 pages of the Hunger Games first book in the past, and I knew that even with similarities, I Am Alive is a totally different series with a different protagonist and theme.
In a weird way, people pointed at the similarities between The Girl Who Was On Fire and the Girl With Golden Eyes. For those of you who know about my older writings, about five years ago, I had a story called the Girl with Golden Eyes so I thought I'd use the idea in I Am Alive book 2. But when readers pointed it out, I had to read Hunger Games, the whole trilogy, and I didn't find it so close. It's like the similarities between the lines of Star Wars 'May the Force be with You' and Hunger Games 'May the odds be with you'
But anyway, it's not a matter of similarities as much as that I've grown as a writer, and have learned alot in the last six months. You can't imagine what I've learned from readers as much as learning the craft of writing itself. So the decision to remove the Girl with Golden Eyes was made because if there was one other thing I learned, then it's that people do compare their favorite books to yours (I do that as a reader all the time lol) For those of you who have read the Grimm Diaries, you know how original I can be, so why not work harder to get the I Am Alive series to be really better. I had nothing but great emails about book 1-3 so far. So I'd like to live up to this in book 4, and I'm going to change the storyline and live up to the spirit of the first book.
I know this will cause trouble to some of you who have bought book 4:The Girl with Golden Eyes, but you've been kind enough to me, and tolerated the Grimm Prequels since the first day when the books were unreadable and confusing. I couldn't do it without you, and look where that has gotten the series on amazon's bestseller lists now. So expect the newly written book 4 soon, totally different and true to the spirit of book 1. If you had purchased book 4, write me an email when the new version comes out and i will send it to you free.
Feel free to ask any questions if you like. I know it's a confusing manner, but I think with three months from now when we look back at this post we'll be happy I did this.
One last things, thanks to the reviewers who pointed out to the similarities. Your reviews were read and taking into consideration.
I appreciate your understanding in ways I can't describe
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Free New Years's Eve Giveaways!! Plus Grimm Prequels & I Am Alive Bundle!
Forgive me if I'm bit too enthusiastic, but The Grimm Prequels reached no#1 in the Teen Horror category on amazon.com a couple of days ago, and although I'm not totally convinced I deserved to stand before such amazing titles (I'm still trying to learn tons about the craft of writing everyday), I can't help but brag everywhere about this. (My dad joked that this was Photoshoped when I sent it to him and hates me for messing up fairytales, and a friend of mine asked me when I'm going to write about a girl who saves the world, I told her Decca probably will, and she said that she will read the book then)
Did you see that?!! Holy Fairy Taily Crap! But then again, this was done with help of you and an infinite number of readers and bloggers who helped spread those little stories. I tried to make a list of my Scoobies -- that what i call my readers now -- but the names are infinite I think will try to mention everyone in the release of Snow White Sorrow. Will make some kind of a HUGE thank you list before the introduction.
So enough with my jabjab. Here's the New Year's Giveaway. I wanted to offer more Gift Cards but I need to purchase cover rights for upcoming books so let's stick to that for now. Winners will also get free copies from all my books, electronically signed and addressed to their names.
The Giveaway will end on the 31st of December so hopefully if you're a winner, you could start the new year with a new gift :)
Cam - I'm full of flaws, but I'm getting better everyday :)
Margianna Arvaniti
Laura Stockman
You've have recieved emails from me and amazon by now with the winning details. Wish you and all who participated a Happy New Year. Also, I can't tell you how much you're comment and new year wishes were fun and awesome to read. I discovered that most of us want just the same things lol
Stay tuned for new Giveaways. I've talked to people I know who might be able to sponsor these giveaways so I can keep them all year long:)
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Free Christmas Book Giveaways!! and Grimm Prequels Bundle!
I'm also offering The Grimm Prequels 1-6 for 0.99 (that's 6 for the price of 1) for the 12th and 13th of December. I'll also try to do that with I Am Alive next week, but I'm not sure.
For readers who are interested in Snow White Sorrow ( seriously, I'm trying my best to finish the rewritings) you get a new offer. If you like my facebook page, you get the secret first-day release day on February 2013 ( or maybe even sooner ) where the book will be for 0.99 for the first 24 hours.
here is the link on amazon.com
Thanks for the support and wish you all and your families the best this and the next years, and next, and the next :)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
First Winner, picked through rafflecopter:
Kerry Amburgy-Dickson !
Second Winner, picked through Random.org:
Ron Pratt!
please check your emails for special Grimm Prequel copies and the gift card giveaways:)
I will be hosting another giveaway soon ( have to see if won't go broke first lol ) but really soon:)
Ps. sorry I didn't use any of those winning gifs. will do next time. they look funny.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Joy and Sorrow
Although I am looking forward for you to read Snow White SORROW very soon, I can't express how much JOY certain emails bring me. I mean writing as a second job can be really exhausting but it's little things like two email I received recently that make feel like 'Wow. I never got response like this from anyone when I did my job which actually pays me really money.'
But it's not the money, it's the dumdi-dar-ra-rum-rum! and you know what that is? Appreciation and most importantly SHARING.
I've always wanted to make a weekly blogpost about Readers of the month or the week, but I couldn't because there so many kind readers to me who helped in every way possible, and when I made a list, it was too big. So I decided to start with two amazing woman/girls who sent me two lovely emails recently.
The first one is a 65 year old woman, who has a happy tone and voice in her writing you can't think but that she is much much younger. Her name is Sandy ( I will not mention family names ) and she did write me one the loveliest emails about 'I AM ALIVE' and how the book made her happy. I won't be saying everything in the email but it made my day that my writing made her so happy.
Last, but definitely not least, is Heather, who is disabled, but is a hundred times stronger and energetic than Decca. Heather wrote to me about how this book was one of the few that she connected with, and kindly compared me to other reputable writers that I can't dream to match at all. But what was so heartwarming about her email is that I could put a smile on her face with my silly words. Thank you Heather for the awesome email:)
So some things pay off in an unexpected way. I could have 1000 people hating my book, and only two of them liking it in that way. And believe me, that's more than enough.
And this brings me that I'm joining in with fellow Indelibles who host a blogfest called INDIE-giving. It's a chance for anyone and everyone to take a day on their blog to be thankful. join them if you like. Plenty of lovely authors there too. Each author is giving away books this week in that event ( I have given all my books free this month so I guess I will be spared lol )
Happy Thanksgiving
Talk to you soon, Monster and Fairytales:)
But it's not the money, it's the dumdi-dar-ra-rum-rum! and you know what that is? Appreciation and most importantly SHARING.
I've always wanted to make a weekly blogpost about Readers of the month or the week, but I couldn't because there so many kind readers to me who helped in every way possible, and when I made a list, it was too big. So I decided to start with two amazing woman/girls who sent me two lovely emails recently.
The first one is a 65 year old woman, who has a happy tone and voice in her writing you can't think but that she is much much younger. Her name is Sandy ( I will not mention family names ) and she did write me one the loveliest emails about 'I AM ALIVE' and how the book made her happy. I won't be saying everything in the email but it made my day that my writing made her so happy.
Last, but definitely not least, is Heather, who is disabled, but is a hundred times stronger and energetic than Decca. Heather wrote to me about how this book was one of the few that she connected with, and kindly compared me to other reputable writers that I can't dream to match at all. But what was so heartwarming about her email is that I could put a smile on her face with my silly words. Thank you Heather for the awesome email:)
So some things pay off in an unexpected way. I could have 1000 people hating my book, and only two of them liking it in that way. And believe me, that's more than enough.
And this brings me that I'm joining in with fellow Indelibles who host a blogfest called INDIE-giving. It's a chance for anyone and everyone to take a day on their blog to be thankful. join them if you like. Plenty of lovely authors there too. Each author is giving away books this week in that event ( I have given all my books free this month so I guess I will be spared lol )
Happy Thanksgiving
Talk to you soon, Monster and Fairytales:)
Sunday, November 11, 2012
5 Days - 7 Free Kindle Books Giveaway!
UPDATE: Upon request: Wheel of Fortune ( I Am Alive book 1 episode 2 will be free too on 11/16/2012http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00A2H9AC0
Tuesday November 13th 11/13/2012:
I Am Alive book 1 Episode 1 ( episodic re-release and for those who want to give the series a try )
Snow White Blood Red - Grimm Prequels #1 ( for those new to the series )
Blood Apples - Grimm Prequels #6 ( for those who already read the previous ones )
Wednesday November 14th 11/14/2012:
I Am Alive book 1 Episode 1 ( re-release and for those who want to give the series a try )
Ashes to Ashes and Cinder to Cinder - Grimm Prequels #2
Thursday November 15th 11/15/2012:
I Am Alive book 1 Episode 1 ( re-release and for those who want to give the series a try )
Beauty Never Dies Grimm Prequels #3
Friday November 16th 11/16/2012:
Ladle Rat Rotten Hut Grimm Prequels #4
UPDATE: Upon request: Wheel of Fortune ( I Am Alive book 1 episode 2 will be free too on 11/16/2012http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00A2H9AC0
UPDATE: Upon request: Wheel of Fortune ( I Am Alive book 1 episode 2 will be free too on 11/16/2012http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00A2H9AC0
Saturday November 17th 11/17/2012:
Mary Mary Quite Contrary Grimm Prequels #5
Sunday November 17th 11/17/2012:
Blood Apples Grimm Prequels #6 ( for those who didn't download it on the 13th )
ps. readers who read I Am Alive when it was one book and were promised I AM ALIVE book 2 episode 1, will receive it by email. If you don't for some reason or glitch please email.
Hope you all fun while I celebrate my birthday!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Blood Apples and I AM Alive book 2 episode 1 Are OUT
I will post another blog on Sunday with all the freebies I am offering on my birthday week.
For now, I am happy to say that Blood Apples, Grimm Prequels #6, I Alive book 2 episode are out
here is the link on Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00A3DLHK6
and here is the link on Amazon.co.uk: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00A3DLHK6
Also, you might know that I am releasing I Am Alive as a serial where each book is 3 episodes, now edited, revised and much better. So the episodic release is out too. Episode 1 of book 2 as well
Below you'll find links to the episodes:
I Am Alive book 1 ( 3 Episodes ) :
1 Nice Day to Die ( book 1 episode 1 )
2 Wheel of Fortune ( book 1 episode 2 )
3 Through Your Eyes ( book 1 episode 3 )
I Am Alive book 2 ( Increscent ) ( 3 Episodes ):
1 Girl with Golden Eyes ( book 2 episode 1 )
If you're wondering why releasing I Am Alive as episodes is because I'm crammed with finishing Snow White Sorrow ( which is already late ) and I didn't want you to wait long to know about Decca, Leo, and Woo. This way I am able to add a new episode soon enough while working on Snow White Sorrow.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Alice Grimm Get Her Own Series
This is a brief post. You know that my rewriting of Snow White Sorrow is consuming everything ( even completing the I AM ALIVE series ) I can't explain but many writers know when a bulb shimmers suddenly in your head and most of the pieces fit into place. That's what's happened to me with the Grimm Diaries. So I decided to seize the day and put all the madness in my head on paper before it evaporates - I did that mistakes when writing I AM ALIVE. I should have finished the series right away when it was buzzing in my head. Also the fact that I already like Snow White Sorrow so much makes me enthusiastic with the new changes that can make it even better.
So while re-writing, I came upon Alice Grimm who was supposed to appear in book 3 of the Grimm Diaries. That's almost 600 pages away. And since many of you have kindly asked me about Alice Grimm since she appeared only once in Ashes to Ashes and Cinder to Cinder ( which is secretly my favorite of the prequels ) I decided that Alice Grimm is too much of an interesting character to appear so late in a series crammed up with other character. So Alice get her own series. It will be lighthearted and fun, and if it works, she might cross over and meet up with the other in the Grimm Diaries. It will take some time to bring it out though.
So while re-writing, I came upon Alice Grimm who was supposed to appear in book 3 of the Grimm Diaries. That's almost 600 pages away. And since many of you have kindly asked me about Alice Grimm since she appeared only once in Ashes to Ashes and Cinder to Cinder ( which is secretly my favorite of the prequels ) I decided that Alice Grimm is too much of an interesting character to appear so late in a series crammed up with other character. So Alice get her own series. It will be lighthearted and fun, and if it works, she might cross over and meet up with the other in the Grimm Diaries. It will take some time to bring it out though.
Friday, October 26, 2012
I Am Alive re-release, Blood Apples, and My Birthday Palooza!
Hey Everyone,
I Am Alive series is being re-released as an amazon serial where each book will be divided into 3 episodes. Here are the release dates:
I Am Alive book 1 episode 1 (FREE for three days)
I Am Alive book 1 episode 2,
I Am Alive book 1 episode 3,
and I Am Alive book 2 episode 1.
Since it's also my birthday, you'll get the five previous Grimm Prequels plus the 6th novella for FREE the same day.






All the 6 novellas above free on 11/13/2012.
Snow White Blood Red http://amzn.to/Luj1RS
Cinder to Cinder and Ashes to Ashes http://amzn.to/NCHAhL
Beauty Never Dies http://amzn.to/Ktqbok
Ladle Rat Rotten Hut http://amzn.to/Oq9fjL
Mary Mary Quite Contrary http://amzn.to/PWSrTA
Blood Apples (link added soon)
Plus, you'll get a free mp3 copy of 'Sometimez', the I Am Alive soundtrack. You can check out here:
All I ask is that you u to RECOMMEND I Am Alive book 1 Episode 1: Nice Day to Die here: http://bit.ly/Tea1T1 to everyone you can on Goodreads that day. ( there is a recommend button up next to every book on Goodreads, )
And purchase I Am Alive book 1 Episode 2: Wheel of Fortune (0.99) that day to increase exposure of the series if u can.
LINKS on Amazon for the I AM ALIVE series WILL BE ADDED SOON.
(Readers who read & reviewed earlier versions of I Am Alive will receive all episodes free) PS.I know should've made a Halloween freebie but mys schedule deceived me:)
I Am Alive series is being re-released as an amazon serial where each book will be divided into 3 episodes. Here are the release dates:
I Am Alive book 1 episode 1 (FREE for three days)
I Am Alive book 1 episode 2,
I Am Alive book 1 episode 3,
and I Am Alive book 2 episode 1.
Since it's also my birthday, you'll get the five previous Grimm Prequels plus the 6th novella for FREE the same day.
All the 6 novellas above free on 11/13/2012.
Snow White Blood Red http://amzn.to/Luj1RS
Cinder to Cinder and Ashes to Ashes http://amzn.to/NCHAhL
Beauty Never Dies http://amzn.to/Ktqbok
Ladle Rat Rotten Hut http://amzn.to/Oq9fjL
Mary Mary Quite Contrary http://amzn.to/PWSrTA
Blood Apples (link added soon)
Plus, you'll get a free mp3 copy of 'Sometimez', the I Am Alive soundtrack. You can check out here:
All I ask is that you u to RECOMMEND I Am Alive book 1 Episode 1: Nice Day to Die here: http://bit.ly/Tea1T1 to everyone you can on Goodreads that day. ( there is a recommend button up next to every book on Goodreads, )
And purchase I Am Alive book 1 Episode 2: Wheel of Fortune (0.99) that day to increase exposure of the series if u can.
LINKS on Amazon for the I AM ALIVE series WILL BE ADDED SOON.
(Readers who read & reviewed earlier versions of I Am Alive will receive all episodes free) PS.I know should've made a Halloween freebie but mys schedule deceived me:)
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
I Am Alive Re Release, I Am Alive book 2, and Blood Apples
OK, First, all apologies for my long absence. It's been a crazy months, but it wasn't in vein.

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As many of you know, I am rereleasing the I Am Alive series as a serial. I am not going to go into the reason now, but what you should know is that the series has been almost rewritten, its plot is tighter, and its character's way better, and of course it's all been edited professionally a zillion times. To those who have not read the series yet, I believe you will really enjoy it. For those who have and are looking for I AM ALIVE book 2, you'd be looking for Increscent: I Am Alive book 2 Episode 1.
Here is is how the series is broken down with release dates:
1) I Am Alive book 1 Episode 1
Tuesday 11/13/2012
2) I Am Alive book 1 Episode 2
Tuesday 11/13/2012
3) I Am Alive book 1 Episode 3
Tuesday 11/13/2012
4) Increscent: I Am Alive book 2 Episode 1
Tuesday 11/13/2012
5) Increscent: I Am Alive book 2 Episode 2
6) Increscent: I Am Alive book 2 Episode 3
To check out the series in detail, you can check it here on goodreads so you don't get confused:
As for the Blood Apples ( Grimm Prequel 6 ) will be available 11/13/2012 as well, along with the first 5 prequels for free too.
I chose November 13th because it's my birthday so it would be a nice celebration with all of these releases. Also the main reason for the serial is to give me enough time to finish r-writing Snow White Sorrow, which should comes after those release dates. I will blog about it soon enough:)
Thanks for the patience and all the support, I will post a goodreads event for the Birthday release with more details in a couple of days
Monday, October 1, 2012
Good News, Bad News, and my first Soundtrack!
Ok. Before reading anything, check out my awesome song!
Did you hear that??!! Please spread! So I was in the middle of my vacation and I remembered when the Monsters were singing Leo's song in the Playa, so i decided to change the song in the book from 'I Am Alive' to 'Sometimez' ( yes it's with a Z -- sue me ) This is one of the songs my band and I had recorded a couple of years ago, when I was still playing music. So right now, I am pushing this e-reading experience up a notch. Let's have Book Soundtracks composed by authors.
Readers and Fans will receive this song high quality soon when i re-release I Am Alive in it's new episodic form ( including book 2 )
Right now - enjoy the song and spread it around. I hope you like it.
So this was the GOOD NEWS. Another part of the good news is that such a short vacation helped me write more. I got rainbows and kiwi jumping out of my brain -- whatever that last sentence means. I discovered that i have wasted so much time with Internet issues without practicing what i love the most at the moment -- writing, that is.
And now for the bad news, which are not bad to me, but some of you will hate me for that.
I feel I am hit with tomato in my face already. But hear me out. At this very moment, i have Snow White Sorrow and the second book Cinderella Dressed in Ashes FINISHED. I could just easily publish two books, each one 100,000 words, back to back.
But I will not.
Here is why:
1) I learned a lot in the last months, and would like that to show in the books so I have to rewrite parts to make them better.
2) I discovered that the series might have more potential than I have ever thought, so I will really revise it to death, so I am sure this is my best effort.
3) Having helping online friends, supporting readers, and sincere editors is something I don't want to waste. I could USE all of you to make this much better * evil grin *, starting from helping beta readers to helping promoters.
4) I want to focus on I Am Alive for the next month. I know some of you are fans of one series and not of the other, but I don't want to start Snow White Sorrow having to switch to other episodes in I Am Alive at the same time. I Am Alive trilogy is going to end before the end of this year.
5) This is the most important. The Grimm Prequels taught me alot about how things are done and what readers like and which audience I am targeting with Snow White Sorrow. Since I made up my mind that the Grimm Diaries will hundred percent a young adult book ( I wasn't sure before ) I need to rework it.
6) So when, what, and how? I will post about it soon.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Apologies, Time-off, and Sunshine on the Beach
UPDATE: as of 9/23/2012 Ashes to Ashes & Cinder to Cinder is available again. http://amzn.to/SMGC2s Not free yet. Ladle Rat Rotten Hut is today http://amzn.to/Oq9fjL and Mary Mary Quite Contrary http://amzn.to/PWSrTA
tomorrow 9/24/2012
Huh. Where do I begin.
Ok, As you know Ashes to Ashes & Cinder to Cinder is unavailable on amazon.com for the second day now. The reason is, according to amazon, that a reader/readers complained about having no table of contents ( in a short story? * scratching my head * ) and that readers with color devices can't read on black backgrounds. ( I remember when we used to read real books, I think we didn't have that option even when you tucked yourself under the blanket with a flash light in your hands, you couldn't turn that page black, damn! )
So I fixed that and send the file back to amazon, totally neglecting the divine coincidence that this happened the day the book was free in what looked liked a successful 5 free day promo, and totally neglecting Amazon's refusal to refund that free day ( we get 5 free days from amazon every 90 days in exchange of making our books exclusive to them ) . They sent me an email saying that my book is back to life. I go check it. It's still unavailable. So I send them back, blah blah blah. And they say it still needs fixing, which at this moment is beyond my expertise. I checked the book on several devices, it works like a charm. I guess my charm didn't have the power to enchant that specific complaining reader yet.
PS. i want to note that I totally owe amazon, because without them I wouldn't have met all the lovely readers I have now. They have a keen customer service that really cares about both readers and writers, and I thank them for that, but when they do something that I can't understand, I point it out.
So basically, this is almost a dead end for the book. I sent the poor 30 pages to a professional book formatter and I am awaiting a reply, wondering if this is the Queen of Sorrow's curse or something.
Now here is why I am writing this post: I am not going to mention all the stupid bad things from hate emails to plagiarism accusations to bad mouthing me on twitter. Although I didn't expect all that, I always convinced myself that I had nothing to do with that. I am peaceful dude who just loves to write. I actually love to write more than I love to get published. The idea of writing itself and messing around with my characters is all the fun I had in this journey. That someone else liked what I spilled out of my brain makes the fun double.
But now all this nonsense is wearing me out. I haven't slept well the last months, sitting in front of a lab top, waiting for amazon to approve my book, or answering every email.
Then I suddenly remembered. "Hey Cameron, Wuzzup. You used to have a life, right? What happened to that?"
So I really rather go to the beach, shake my ass to some music, drink up, and have fun with friends. I feel like Al Pacino in the movies HEAT ( yeah, I know old movie ) when he finally was fed up with chasing Robert De Niro and remembered he had a life that is ten times better than chasing criminals.
So expect me to disappear for a while. i need to clear my head, have fun, and best off all have time to write. And to all those net haters, I have these words for you, like Decca Tenderstone said to the Faya audience in the Zeppelins in the I Am Alive series: Go have a life! Go love somebody, grow up, have fun, and if you can't a smile on your grumpy face, trying to putting on someone else's. And I will add: the hell with grammar, the hell with spelling mistakes, and formatting, and haters, and competitors. Go to the beach and shake you ass to some Rihanna or Gaga music. Live instead of watching life happen on the your computer screen.
God bless all the Monsters and thank HIM for giving us fairy tales.
Over and out:)
tomorrow 9/24/2012
Huh. Where do I begin.
Ok, As you know Ashes to Ashes & Cinder to Cinder is unavailable on amazon.com for the second day now. The reason is, according to amazon, that a reader/readers complained about having no table of contents ( in a short story? * scratching my head * ) and that readers with color devices can't read on black backgrounds. ( I remember when we used to read real books, I think we didn't have that option even when you tucked yourself under the blanket with a flash light in your hands, you couldn't turn that page black, damn! )
So I fixed that and send the file back to amazon, totally neglecting the divine coincidence that this happened the day the book was free in what looked liked a successful 5 free day promo, and totally neglecting Amazon's refusal to refund that free day ( we get 5 free days from amazon every 90 days in exchange of making our books exclusive to them ) . They sent me an email saying that my book is back to life. I go check it. It's still unavailable. So I send them back, blah blah blah. And they say it still needs fixing, which at this moment is beyond my expertise. I checked the book on several devices, it works like a charm. I guess my charm didn't have the power to enchant that specific complaining reader yet.
PS. i want to note that I totally owe amazon, because without them I wouldn't have met all the lovely readers I have now. They have a keen customer service that really cares about both readers and writers, and I thank them for that, but when they do something that I can't understand, I point it out.
So basically, this is almost a dead end for the book. I sent the poor 30 pages to a professional book formatter and I am awaiting a reply, wondering if this is the Queen of Sorrow's curse or something.
Well, the offer is still on, following the dates we agreed upon. It is possible to read to books 1,3,4,5 and then later read 2. You will not miss alot. They are supposed to be separated diaries of different characters. All I can do is apologize and apologize, and then maybe apologize some more, even though I almost have nothing to do with this, and I will surely lose alot by hosting an unsuccessful event where I wanted to put my books out for free.
Now here is why I am writing this post: I am not going to mention all the stupid bad things from hate emails to plagiarism accusations to bad mouthing me on twitter. Although I didn't expect all that, I always convinced myself that I had nothing to do with that. I am peaceful dude who just loves to write. I actually love to write more than I love to get published. The idea of writing itself and messing around with my characters is all the fun I had in this journey. That someone else liked what I spilled out of my brain makes the fun double.
But now all this nonsense is wearing me out. I haven't slept well the last months, sitting in front of a lab top, waiting for amazon to approve my book, or answering every email.
Then I suddenly remembered. "Hey Cameron, Wuzzup. You used to have a life, right? What happened to that?"
So I really rather go to the beach, shake my ass to some music, drink up, and have fun with friends. I feel like Al Pacino in the movies HEAT ( yeah, I know old movie ) when he finally was fed up with chasing Robert De Niro and remembered he had a life that is ten times better than chasing criminals.
So expect me to disappear for a while. i need to clear my head, have fun, and best off all have time to write. And to all those net haters, I have these words for you, like Decca Tenderstone said to the Faya audience in the Zeppelins in the I Am Alive series: Go have a life! Go love somebody, grow up, have fun, and if you can't a smile on your grumpy face, trying to putting on someone else's. And I will add: the hell with grammar, the hell with spelling mistakes, and formatting, and haters, and competitors. Go to the beach and shake you ass to some Rihanna or Gaga music. Live instead of watching life happen on the your computer screen.
God bless all the Monsters and thank HIM for giving us fairy tales.
Over and out:)
Saturday, September 15, 2012
The Grimm Prequels 5 days FREE Palooza!
UPDATE: THE WINNER OF THE 3rd Free Kindle books of your choice is Shannan Leigh Neff!
I am really happy for you Shannan! Shannan is a dear friend.
Second Winner is Ashley Willoughby.
UPDATE 3: As per request I am extending Ladle Rat Rotten Hut for one more day, so it will be free with Mary Mary Quite Contrary on 09/24/2012. Soon I will set a date for Ashes to Ashes to
UPDATE 2: : as of 9/23/2012 Ashes to Ashes & Cinder to Cinder is available again. http://amzn.to/SMGC2s Not free yet. Ladle Rat Rotten Hut is today http://amzn.to/Oq9fjL and Mary Mary Quite Contrary http://amzn.to/PWSrTA tomorrow 9/24/2012
Ashes to Ashes and Cinder to Cinder ( Grimm Prequel # 2) http://amzn.to/NCHAhL isn't available on amazon due to a technical error. It seems this error isn't getting fixed.
to know more click this link http://bit.ly/ThoofQ
I am not sure if this event should be called palooza, but what the heck, it feels like a party:)
The Grimm Prequels from 1 to 5 will be FREE for 5 days from the 20th of September until the 24th. Each day, a new prequel will available for free on amazon.com's kindle, including the latest Mary Mary Quite Contrary.
For those who have been reading the series, I suggest you download the newer versions of the previous prequels too ( you will have to delete your older version on your kindle in order to do that ) because the newer versions are professionally edited, with added/removed parts that tighten the novellas, and have my author's notes at the end of every prequel explaining some references and where the ideas came from.
Please make sure you remember the dates because each book will only be free for 24 hours:
1) Thursday 09/20/2012 : Snow White Blood Red.
2) Friday 09/21/2012 ( NEW DATE WILL BE ANNOUNCED ): Ashes to Ashes and Cinder to Cinder
3) Sunday 09/22/2012: Beauty Never Dies
4) Saturday 09/23/2012 and 09/24/2012: Ladle Rat Rotten Hut
5) Monday 09/24/2012 : Mary Mary Quite Contrary
for a reminder a day before the event you can attend the event on goodreads http://bit.ly/UXN0Ye
MEANWHILE, the 3rd free GIVEAWAY of any kindle book of your choice is still on.
you can enter below to win it.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I am really happy for you Shannan! Shannan is a dear friend.
Second Winner is Ashley Willoughby.
UPDATE 3: As per request I am extending Ladle Rat Rotten Hut for one more day, so it will be free with Mary Mary Quite Contrary on 09/24/2012. Soon I will set a date for Ashes to Ashes to
UPDATE 2: : as of 9/23/2012 Ashes to Ashes & Cinder to Cinder is available again. http://amzn.to/SMGC2s Not free yet. Ladle Rat Rotten Hut is today http://amzn.to/Oq9fjL and Mary Mary Quite Contrary http://amzn.to/PWSrTA tomorrow 9/24/2012
Ashes to Ashes and Cinder to Cinder ( Grimm Prequel # 2) http://amzn.to/NCHAhL isn't available on amazon due to a technical error. It seems this error isn't getting fixed.
to know more click this link http://bit.ly/ThoofQ
I am not sure if this event should be called palooza, but what the heck, it feels like a party:)
The Grimm Prequels from 1 to 5 will be FREE for 5 days from the 20th of September until the 24th. Each day, a new prequel will available for free on amazon.com's kindle, including the latest Mary Mary Quite Contrary.
For those who have been reading the series, I suggest you download the newer versions of the previous prequels too ( you will have to delete your older version on your kindle in order to do that ) because the newer versions are professionally edited, with added/removed parts that tighten the novellas, and have my author's notes at the end of every prequel explaining some references and where the ideas came from.
Please make sure you remember the dates because each book will only be free for 24 hours:
1) Thursday 09/20/2012 : Snow White Blood Red.
2) Friday 09/21/2012 ( NEW DATE WILL BE ANNOUNCED ): Ashes to Ashes and Cinder to Cinder
3) Sunday 09/22/2012: Beauty Never Dies
4) Saturday 09/23/2012 and 09/24/2012: Ladle Rat Rotten Hut
5) Monday 09/24/2012 : Mary Mary Quite Contrary
for a reminder a day before the event you can attend the event on goodreads http://bit.ly/UXN0Ye
MEANWHILE, the 3rd free GIVEAWAY of any kindle book of your choice is still on.
you can enter below to win it.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Mary Mary Quite Contrary - Grimm Prequels 5
Ok. Finally Mary Mary Quite Contrary is finished. Surprisingly, it's as short as Snow White Blood Red. That's because it's straight to the point. You get to meet Mr Devil, and learn new things about Peter Pan, Brothers Grimm, Ladle Rat Rotten Hut, and of course you get to meet Mary ( whoever trat is )
This prequel, although short, took the longest to write. It's because it has a certain message that I want to get across without spoiling too much about the Fairy Tale World. And seriously, at least to me, it has one of the most original twist I have ever read. It's one one of those twist that totally make sense as if it's not a twist at all. Also this prequel is different and darker in a good, silly, childish kinda way.
One of the best things I like in this prequel that it will explain a controversial scene at the end of Snow White Blood Red. I hope this we let get used on things that sounds vague in one prequel but will always be explained later. I always plan before hand.
One of the best things I like in this prequel that it will explain a controversial scene at the end of Snow White Blood Red. I hope this we let get used on things that sounds vague in one prequel but will always be explained later. I always plan before hand.
I have sent to beta readers to get their opinion on it first, so I haven't decided when I will make it available for free on amazon.com. Like always, the days it will be free, it will have the four previous prequels free as well. This time, they finally professionally edited.
So until then, and don't forget to take a chance of the Free Book second giveaway here
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Free Kindle Book of your Choice #GIVEAWAY #2
As you know previous winners of the giveaway were
FIRST WINNER ( random.org. ) is Amanda Theurich, and her book is Starling Lesley Livingston!
SECOND WINNER ( only this time rafflecopter.com ) is Merisha Abbott! One of the The Grimm Prequels!
Congrats to both.
The new giveaway starts back to back today with the same rules. Enjoy, and I wish you luck:)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
UPDATE: Winners are Cherie Charli and Trisha Anderson. Please check your emails inboxes! GONGRATS:)
FIRST WINNER ( random.org. ) is Amanda Theurich, and her book is Starling Lesley Livingston!
SECOND WINNER ( only this time rafflecopter.com ) is Merisha Abbott! One of the The Grimm Prequels!
Congrats to both.
The new giveaway starts back to back today with the same rules. Enjoy, and I wish you luck:)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
UPDATE: Winners are Cherie Charli and Trisha Anderson. Please check your emails inboxes! GONGRATS:)
Friday, August 24, 2012
Giveaway: Free Kindle Book of your Choice
I've wanted to do this for a long time. The Grimm Prequels have been in the bestseller Amazon.com list for 3 months now, under the category of Spine Chilling Horror. That's 4 books in this category, each one is a novella, no more than 35 pages. To me, this has been most amazing -- I just started self-publishing 3 months ago. With all the typos and errors the short books were filled with before being edited, I can't be thankful enough.
So I am hosting a WEEKLY FREE GIVEAWAY on my blog until the end of the September. Each week, the winner will get a kindle gift book from me. And this time IT'S ANY BOOK OF YOUR CHOICE as long as it is under $10. I will be paying this from the revenue of the Grimm Diaries Prequels -- which isn't really much -- but i believe in good Karma.
I will not ask you to follow my blog or follow me on Twitter and all that stuff. This pure giveback to the world -- especially to the readers who have the knack to believe in indie authors and a good stories. Something I do believe in -- however cliched you think it sounds. And besides, when I was a kid reading books, I'd have loved this offer for myself :)
You will find out how to enter the gieveaway below. You could log in with your email or Facebook. All you're asked is to tweet about this giveaway so others get the chance to win, and write down the book you wish to win. Both actions are mandatory. There is a third action that is left for you choice.
I know some of my readers don't use twitter. If you happen to be one of them, just write a comment, explaining that on the blog, and i will see to add you in the giveaway. I think if you don't use twitter, it will be a good thing if you try to spread the word through word of mouth or facebook or goodreads.
the winner will choosing through random.org
a Rafflecopter giveaway
UPDATE: I picked a winner through random.org and also accidentally clicked pick a winner at Rafflecopter. So it's going to be two winner!!
FIRST WINNER ( random.org. ) is Amanda Theurich, and her book is Starling Lesley Livingston!
SECOND WINNER ( only this time rafflecopter.com ) is Merisha Abbott! One of the The Grimm Prequels!
Congrats to both winners. Please check your emails:)
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Mary Mary Quite Contrary ( The Grimm Prequels #5 )
Like usual, I have shifted Blood Apples ( Grimm Prequels #5 ) to become the sixth installment in the series. Blood Apples is dense and reveals too much in the Dreamworld, so I preferred to delay it a little for better rewriting.
Another reason is that I will replace it with Mary Mary Quite Contrary ( which is now number #5 ) you can check it out HERE
I did not want to put Mary Mary Quite Contrary in the Prequels. I wanted it to be a chapter in Snow White Sorrow. That's because it has one of the dearest revelations to me, and it's a lot darker than the rest. But since I am finally working with 2 editors which hopefully will enhance my work so we get rid of all those errors in the books, I thought I owe readers of the Prequels to know about the big stuff, because the editing will mostly postpone the release of Snow White Sorrow -- I don't want this special book to suffer from bad editing, because it seriously has potential -- at least I think so.
I haven't set a release date, but will soon and will create a goodreads event for it.
Mary Mary Quite Contrary is darker, and will sound different. What's most important about it is that it has a revelation that is explains an item that repeatedly appears in fairy tales but is never explained, and that it links Nursery Rhymes to the Real World to Fairy Tales -- which is basically what this series is all about. If you like Mary Mary Quite Contrary, you will like the rest that's coming even better.
Have to go now and keep writing Increscent. Doing my best to get it done ASAP.
So the the order of the series is as follows
1 Snow White Blood Red
2 Ashes to Ashes & Cinder to Cinder
3 Beauty Never Dies
4 Ladle Rat Rotten Hut
5 Mary Mary Quite Contrary
6 Blood Apples
7 Not yet named ( the final episode )
PS. the whole series will available in one book after the 7th installment. By this time, it will be edited by professionals and rewritten. And always remember that reading Snow White Sorrow does not require you to have read the Prequels. It's just gives heads up.
Another reason is that I will replace it with Mary Mary Quite Contrary ( which is now number #5 ) you can check it out HERE
I did not want to put Mary Mary Quite Contrary in the Prequels. I wanted it to be a chapter in Snow White Sorrow. That's because it has one of the dearest revelations to me, and it's a lot darker than the rest. But since I am finally working with 2 editors which hopefully will enhance my work so we get rid of all those errors in the books, I thought I owe readers of the Prequels to know about the big stuff, because the editing will mostly postpone the release of Snow White Sorrow -- I don't want this special book to suffer from bad editing, because it seriously has potential -- at least I think so.
I haven't set a release date, but will soon and will create a goodreads event for it.
Mary Mary Quite Contrary is darker, and will sound different. What's most important about it is that it has a revelation that is explains an item that repeatedly appears in fairy tales but is never explained, and that it links Nursery Rhymes to the Real World to Fairy Tales -- which is basically what this series is all about. If you like Mary Mary Quite Contrary, you will like the rest that's coming even better.
Have to go now and keep writing Increscent. Doing my best to get it done ASAP.
So the the order of the series is as follows
1 Snow White Blood Red
2 Ashes to Ashes & Cinder to Cinder
3 Beauty Never Dies
4 Ladle Rat Rotten Hut
5 Mary Mary Quite Contrary
6 Blood Apples
7 Not yet named ( the final episode )
PS. the whole series will available in one book after the 7th installment. By this time, it will be edited by professionals and rewritten. And always remember that reading Snow White Sorrow does not require you to have read the Prequels. It's just gives heads up.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
I Am Alive New Edition Soon
2nd UPDATE: I know this is confusing, but some readers didn't like that I pulled the book away from amazon.com, so I had to put it back. Still, there will be a newer edited version by the end of August.
UPDATE: I have unpublished the book I Am Alive today while it was had numerous rave reviews ( as much as bad ) and was in the paid bestsellers list of amazon.com in action and adventures, and girl and women section. Many of you have downloaded it for free, and I don't feel that others should pay for it until it's edited within the month.
It's my responsibility to admit that my book I AM ALIVE wasn't properly edited. Its grammar mistakes, spellings, and other things. If you have read my books before, you'd know that I never marketed the this book. Most of my readers know me for the Grimm Diaries.
I just had an opportunity to so provide the book for free on amazon kindle, and had the help of a couple of 2 major blogs to list them the days the book was free. And of course, word of mouth of the most kind and enthusiastic friends on the internet. ( whom I can never thank enough ) .I had no expectation that the book will be downloaded that much.
To make the story short, I hired a new editor, and a second edition will be available by the end of the month. The editor said it will take that long.
For those who were irked by this, I hope you'll find the second edition easier to read.
If you're only interested in the new edition, this post post ends here. If you want to know more about me and the situation and why this happened, read on:
Let me explain a couple of things. First of all I am an indie writer. I have a day job. I live good. Happy with what I've got. But I can't afford extra expenses like editors or marketers or all the other things a popular, traditionally published book gets. I am not trying to get anyone's sympathy, and I don't need it. I think I represent the majority of thousands of Indie writers who do their best to be read.
You have no idea of the millions of dollars spent on any of your favorite published books out there. Each book gets edited dozens of times by the best editors in the market, if not by more than three or four editors. Each book has a marketing campaign behind it that spreads the book all over the internet ( and the world ), making sure you won't miss how awesome this upcoming book is before it even comes out. Each book gets quotes from famous authors like Stephen King to shoot its sales to the roof. 5 star reviews from elite reviewers no indie writer can dream of even talking to ( I tried actually)
Readers might not know that there is a big team, powerful as the Avengers, standing behind the book you get and love.
Does that mean I blame them or anything? Of course not. It's the right way to do it. Most of the bestseller books on shelves right now are awesome book, and I am an avid reader to many. All I am saying is, I am just a 29 year old writer who found an opportunity through self-publishing. The only help I get is from sites like amazon and goodreads, and the awesome people who pick up a book to read, one that they don't know anything about, and one that wasn't marketed intensively toward them, and read it, like it, and even spread the word and advise you how to become better. This is an indie writer's only weapon. The writers' job is to find those and reach for them.
Most Indie writers work with their passion to make a book come out and be read. Remember, we have day jobs, and a life, and writing ususally doens't pay well. None of us has a sponsor who pays millions of dollars.
Does that mean that we don't want the reader to criticize, to point at flaws, and express their freedom to say how much this book sucked and that book was a bore? Not at all. You, as the reader, can do what you want and see right. All Indie writers would want from you is understand. Just understand. Just know that this is a self-published, self marketed by passionate writers, not the one whose job is only to write while there is a group of people that does all the other things for him. With all this technology around us, this is a new word of freedom of expression, and there is no better environment for the many starving and struggling artists outside that today.
Besides, as much as there are readers who get mad and complain, there is a huge number of readers who support us in the most amazing ways.
When I Am Alive hit number 30 in all amazon.com free kindle bestseller list this weekend, someone in a forum told me, "I hope this translates into real sales when the books isn't free anymore."
I replied, saying that was not the point because the real point was for the book to be read. I get about one email almost everyday from someone who read one of my books and liked it. I reply to each of those emails, and we even become friends, because you know what, this means to me so much I couldn't explain in words. ( I do also receive bad emails which I rather not talk about )
Since I started self-publishing three month ago, I hadn't been sleeping well. Here is what I do everyday: I go to my job. Instead of relaxing in the lunch break, I think about the outlines of the next book. I think about it when I am on my way home. I spend the afternoon writing, marketing, emailing, spreading the word, learning, re-editing, and above all reading. ( you can't write if you don't read enough ) So basically I have had almost not seen my friends and loved ones for the last three months. It's a lot to do on your own.
So why am I doing it? Because I love it. I have always been writing since I was sixteen. It's one of my passions. I have 12 books under my belt. 12. Of course none off them was cared for and enhanced by a troop of book marketing and editing Avengers, but they will, and they will come out. It just takes time.
Still, all of this is not an excuse for having a badly edited book. It's an explanation. I edited Snow White Blood Red three times, and it cost me, and still no one was satisfied with the editing. So I stopped.
Anyway, I can't express how happy I am. Because if I Am Alive, with all the hype about how badly it was written, and how much the grammar sucked, reached the bestseller list of amazon in the action and adventure genre ( that's not the free one, but the paid one ), about 40 steps behind legends like Hunger Games and Divergent, you have no idea what this means to me, and you have no idea what this means at all. It means that this book has potential. All it needs is to get edited properly. That's why this time I am hiring and editor and paying from my own little savings, because it seems that there is something to bet on here. I have had 4 short stories on the bestseller lists for three month. Each book is about 20 pages. That's something publishing houses look for.
The power of a book or the writer is not the work ( edited or not ) it's the readers. And i thank again all those enthusiastic readers who spread the word, accepted me as an Indie reader, and even told me where there was a spelling or a grammar mistake in my books. If someone deserves applause, it would be them. I am just the storyteller.
Anyway, I am not fond of writing posts like this where I explain myself. The only thing in the world I am fond of is having fun. That's what I try to do in my books.
So to let you know, I might pull I Am Alive from the amazon kindle shelves soon, and re-release it when it's edited again. If this happens as planned, it will remind me of super writers like Sarah J. Mass who I read about 4 years ago in Fiction Press, and everyone was crazy about her books. She was picked up by a major company and now her same book that she wrote in fiction press, edited and marketed, will eventually be a hot the bestseller soon. ( the book is called Throne of Glass, and it's awesome, like really awesome ).
Finally, I read a writing coach's blog a couple of days ago, and she said something that hit me. She said that there is difference between writing and storytelling. She said that she can teach you the best techniques of writing you'd master the language like no one did. But no matter what she teaches you, she can't teach you storytelling, because that is an art, if not a sole gift that no amount of courses can teach.
If a number of people like my books, then I am a storyteller. All I need is to learn some rules, and that is so easy and doable. You know why? Because I Am Alive :)
UPDATE: I have unpublished the book I Am Alive today while it was had numerous rave reviews ( as much as bad ) and was in the paid bestsellers list of amazon.com in action and adventures, and girl and women section. Many of you have downloaded it for free, and I don't feel that others should pay for it until it's edited within the month.
It's my responsibility to admit that my book I AM ALIVE wasn't properly edited. Its grammar mistakes, spellings, and other things. If you have read my books before, you'd know that I never marketed the this book. Most of my readers know me for the Grimm Diaries.
I just had an opportunity to so provide the book for free on amazon kindle, and had the help of a couple of 2 major blogs to list them the days the book was free. And of course, word of mouth of the most kind and enthusiastic friends on the internet. ( whom I can never thank enough ) .I had no expectation that the book will be downloaded that much.
To make the story short, I hired a new editor, and a second edition will be available by the end of the month. The editor said it will take that long.
For those who were irked by this, I hope you'll find the second edition easier to read.
If you're only interested in the new edition, this post post ends here. If you want to know more about me and the situation and why this happened, read on:
Let me explain a couple of things. First of all I am an indie writer. I have a day job. I live good. Happy with what I've got. But I can't afford extra expenses like editors or marketers or all the other things a popular, traditionally published book gets. I am not trying to get anyone's sympathy, and I don't need it. I think I represent the majority of thousands of Indie writers who do their best to be read.
You have no idea of the millions of dollars spent on any of your favorite published books out there. Each book gets edited dozens of times by the best editors in the market, if not by more than three or four editors. Each book has a marketing campaign behind it that spreads the book all over the internet ( and the world ), making sure you won't miss how awesome this upcoming book is before it even comes out. Each book gets quotes from famous authors like Stephen King to shoot its sales to the roof. 5 star reviews from elite reviewers no indie writer can dream of even talking to ( I tried actually)
Readers might not know that there is a big team, powerful as the Avengers, standing behind the book you get and love.
Does that mean I blame them or anything? Of course not. It's the right way to do it. Most of the bestseller books on shelves right now are awesome book, and I am an avid reader to many. All I am saying is, I am just a 29 year old writer who found an opportunity through self-publishing. The only help I get is from sites like amazon and goodreads, and the awesome people who pick up a book to read, one that they don't know anything about, and one that wasn't marketed intensively toward them, and read it, like it, and even spread the word and advise you how to become better. This is an indie writer's only weapon. The writers' job is to find those and reach for them.
Most Indie writers work with their passion to make a book come out and be read. Remember, we have day jobs, and a life, and writing ususally doens't pay well. None of us has a sponsor who pays millions of dollars.
Does that mean that we don't want the reader to criticize, to point at flaws, and express their freedom to say how much this book sucked and that book was a bore? Not at all. You, as the reader, can do what you want and see right. All Indie writers would want from you is understand. Just understand. Just know that this is a self-published, self marketed by passionate writers, not the one whose job is only to write while there is a group of people that does all the other things for him. With all this technology around us, this is a new word of freedom of expression, and there is no better environment for the many starving and struggling artists outside that today.
Besides, as much as there are readers who get mad and complain, there is a huge number of readers who support us in the most amazing ways.
When I Am Alive hit number 30 in all amazon.com free kindle bestseller list this weekend, someone in a forum told me, "I hope this translates into real sales when the books isn't free anymore."
I replied, saying that was not the point because the real point was for the book to be read. I get about one email almost everyday from someone who read one of my books and liked it. I reply to each of those emails, and we even become friends, because you know what, this means to me so much I couldn't explain in words. ( I do also receive bad emails which I rather not talk about )
Since I started self-publishing three month ago, I hadn't been sleeping well. Here is what I do everyday: I go to my job. Instead of relaxing in the lunch break, I think about the outlines of the next book. I think about it when I am on my way home. I spend the afternoon writing, marketing, emailing, spreading the word, learning, re-editing, and above all reading. ( you can't write if you don't read enough ) So basically I have had almost not seen my friends and loved ones for the last three months. It's a lot to do on your own.
So why am I doing it? Because I love it. I have always been writing since I was sixteen. It's one of my passions. I have 12 books under my belt. 12. Of course none off them was cared for and enhanced by a troop of book marketing and editing Avengers, but they will, and they will come out. It just takes time.
Still, all of this is not an excuse for having a badly edited book. It's an explanation. I edited Snow White Blood Red three times, and it cost me, and still no one was satisfied with the editing. So I stopped.
Anyway, I can't express how happy I am. Because if I Am Alive, with all the hype about how badly it was written, and how much the grammar sucked, reached the bestseller list of amazon in the action and adventure genre ( that's not the free one, but the paid one ), about 40 steps behind legends like Hunger Games and Divergent, you have no idea what this means to me, and you have no idea what this means at all. It means that this book has potential. All it needs is to get edited properly. That's why this time I am hiring and editor and paying from my own little savings, because it seems that there is something to bet on here. I have had 4 short stories on the bestseller lists for three month. Each book is about 20 pages. That's something publishing houses look for.
The power of a book or the writer is not the work ( edited or not ) it's the readers. And i thank again all those enthusiastic readers who spread the word, accepted me as an Indie reader, and even told me where there was a spelling or a grammar mistake in my books. If someone deserves applause, it would be them. I am just the storyteller.
Anyway, I am not fond of writing posts like this where I explain myself. The only thing in the world I am fond of is having fun. That's what I try to do in my books.
So to let you know, I might pull I Am Alive from the amazon kindle shelves soon, and re-release it when it's edited again. If this happens as planned, it will remind me of super writers like Sarah J. Mass who I read about 4 years ago in Fiction Press, and everyone was crazy about her books. She was picked up by a major company and now her same book that she wrote in fiction press, edited and marketed, will eventually be a hot the bestseller soon. ( the book is called Throne of Glass, and it's awesome, like really awesome ).
Finally, I read a writing coach's blog a couple of days ago, and she said something that hit me. She said that there is difference between writing and storytelling. She said that she can teach you the best techniques of writing you'd master the language like no one did. But no matter what she teaches you, she can't teach you storytelling, because that is an art, if not a sole gift that no amount of courses can teach.
If a number of people like my books, then I am a storyteller. All I need is to learn some rules, and that is so easy and doable. You know why? Because I Am Alive :)
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Increscent ( I AM ALIVE #2 ) cover reveal
First of all, it took me sometime until I settled on that beautiful word: Increscent. It's such beautiful, meaningful, and rare ( if you write it in your messages, your phone will insist that it's crescent )
the word is usually associated with the moon before it turns full, and it perfectly describes Decca in book 2.
I was going to call the book The World is Not Enough, but then this word found me.
And the cover took sometime to develop. I might add some sparkling stars or a fading Increscent moon to it.
as for the date, I am doing my best to bring it out on the 30th of august.
thanks for all those who supported the book and liked it with heart. I consider myself ten folds lucky with readers that do help me more than I try to entertain them.
Anyhow, it's Saturday, go out, have fun, fall in love maybe ... if not ... eat ice cream.
I consider myself a reader before a storyteller, and I have never done such good things to the writers I loved.
Ah, forgot, if you haven't read book one of I AM ALIVE it's HERE and Free at the moment http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0085W8KIO/
and of course Increscent link is HERE on Goodreads, but it's not out yet.
again, go outside and fall in love, if not, eat ice cream until it happens.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Free Kindle 2 - day Promotion of I AM ALIVE ( a YA dystopian novel )
Until book 2 of the I Am Alive series comes out, ( August 30th )
Book One in the series is going to be available for FREE on
Friday and Saturday 07/27 - 07/28/2012 on kindle amazon.
I Am Alive is a young adult dystopian novel,
a bit different from the Grim Diaries, but total fun.
Feel Free to download it HERE
Enjoy your summer.
UPDATE: my book was kindly features HERE http://www.fkbooksandtips.com/ an awesome site for kindle books, updated daily.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Ladle Rat Rotten Hut FREE with previous Prequels
Ladle Rat Rotten Hut, ( The Grimm Prequels #4 ) is out. It will be free tomorrow the 25th of July on amazon kindle, including all previous part. It's basically a retelling Little Red Riding Hood, that connects some characters to the previous novellas.
Feel free to download it HERE
have to go sleep now:) Haven't had much in a couple of days * yawning*
Friday, July 13, 2012
Free Kindle 1 -day Promotion of Ladle Rat Rotten Hut (The Grimm Diaries Prequels #4) postponed to the 25th
Ladle Rat Rotten Hut the Fourth Grimm Prequel ( a Red Riding Hood Retelling ) is going to be out soon. And Blood Apples, the fifth prequel will follow a week later or so.
Even though I did posted an event on goodreads for the 1 - Day Free promotion, I am sorry that I WILL HAVE TO POSTPONE the release to the 25th of JULY 2012.
Again, I would love nothing but to get your feedback on this one because it is a special piece to me. But I have been marketing and networking for the last two months in a way that made me feel that my head isn't clear. Ladle Rat Rotten Hut, and Blood Apples are finished but I am not satisfied with them. That's why I have to postpone it.
I can't release something I still don't fully believe in. I'd rather release Snow White Sorrow today if that was possible since it's finished and I know I like every word of it, but we already agreed on the October release.
I am also obliged to finish the I Am Alive series that has its own lovely fans who have been extremely supportive.
So see you on the 25th of July, hopefully i'll come up with a bonus giveaway as an apology.
And i hope your enjoyed Friday the 13th, my birthday:)
Even though I did posted an event on goodreads for the 1 - Day Free promotion, I am sorry that I WILL HAVE TO POSTPONE the release to the 25th of JULY 2012.
Again, I would love nothing but to get your feedback on this one because it is a special piece to me. But I have been marketing and networking for the last two months in a way that made me feel that my head isn't clear. Ladle Rat Rotten Hut, and Blood Apples are finished but I am not satisfied with them. That's why I have to postpone it.
I can't release something I still don't fully believe in. I'd rather release Snow White Sorrow today if that was possible since it's finished and I know I like every word of it, but we already agreed on the October release.
I am also obliged to finish the I Am Alive series that has its own lovely fans who have been extremely supportive.
So see you on the 25th of July, hopefully i'll come up with a bonus giveaway as an apology.
And i hope your enjoyed Friday the 13th, my birthday:)
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
I Am Alive on the 4th of July
Sorry, I couldn't blog for some time. I am crammed up with too many things. I just wanted to post this asap to say, ironically, I Am Alive ( for those of you who read the series, you will understand :)
There are soooo many people I have to thank, but will postpone that to another blog.
At the moment, I am finishing I Am Alive, book 2 and 3, plus reediting book 1. I know that many of you haven't read this series. Although it is very different from the Grimm Diaries, it's a favorite to me. I think it has a lot of potential. I haven't tried to market it in any way until now, but good plans -- and freebies -- will be announced soon.
I am also finishing The Grimm Prequels 4 and 5, which I think -- I could be wrong, it's just me -- are much better, even than the first one. Spoiler: "Pssst! One of them is about Red Riding Hood, and it's even better than Snow White Blood Red. Just don't tell anyone. lol"
at the end, happy fourth of July everyone.
A good day for awesomeness and Nutella.
There are soooo many people I have to thank, but will postpone that to another blog.
At the moment, I am finishing I Am Alive, book 2 and 3, plus reediting book 1. I know that many of you haven't read this series. Although it is very different from the Grimm Diaries, it's a favorite to me. I think it has a lot of potential. I haven't tried to market it in any way until now, but good plans -- and freebies -- will be announced soon.
I am also finishing The Grimm Prequels 4 and 5, which I think -- I could be wrong, it's just me -- are much better, even than the first one. Spoiler: "Pssst! One of them is about Red Riding Hood, and it's even better than Snow White Blood Red. Just don't tell anyone. lol"
at the end, happy fourth of July everyone.
A good day for awesomeness and Nutella.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
2-days Free Kindle ebook promotion Beauty Never Dies ( Grimm Prequel #3 )
It includes the two previous two parts, Snow White Blood Red and Ashes to Ashe & Cinder to Cinder in the same download until the 28th of June, so you can read the three novellas in the series in one shot. ( the first two are re-edited )
for an easier reminder you could join the link on Goodreads HERE
If you join, you receive and email reminder the night before
Beauty Never Dies ( A Grimm Diaries Prequel #3 )
is going to be available on kindle amazon.com for FREE for two days from Tuesday midnight 06/27/2012 until the end of Thursday 06/28/2012It includes the two previous two parts, Snow White Blood Red and Ashes to Ashe & Cinder to Cinder in the same download until the 28th of June, so you can read the three novellas in the series in one shot. ( the first two are re-edited )
for an easier reminder you could join the link on Goodreads HERE
If you join, you receive and email reminder the night before
feel free to downloaded for free HERE
*update: the post previously said 3day but it's a 2 day promotion.
if you're interested to know important things about the series:
This note is very important. It's no secret that the storyline of the prequels causes a lot of confusion to some readers, aka following timeline and wanting to interpret what's said between the lines.
For those of you who do have this feeling you need to know 4 things:
1 -
I wrote the PREQUELS for one main reason: I was getting ridiculous hate emails, accusing me that Snow White Sorrow is a rip off four other novels. If I post a sample of the emails, you'd roll your eyes, but i never do that because i consider emails to be confidential. So the prequels' main purpose is for you to experience a glimpse of what the world in the main books is like, and for me to stop those ridiculous plagiarism accusation from fans of other authors which i respect. Thank God that by now I receive some email praising how original the books are.
2 -
The prequels are random diaries from the characters' point of views at random times, so it is actually impossible to get your hands on a main story line. But you get to learn important things that actually make you want to read the series or not. Like that the seven dwarves will not be dwarves, they will be other fairy tale characters, so you get how this is going.
Reading the prequels is no way necessary for you to read the books. They just tell you what it's about, like if you don't like how Peter Pan and Sleeping Beauty are portrayed in the prequels, you will not want to read the books.
The first books start with Loki, a Dreamhunter, on a mission to kill an immortal vampire -
Snow White - in her dream. From this point on, Loki gets to know what this world is about. And Snow White isn't a shallowe character. Book two is all about her.
PS.I try my best to post the prequels for free but I am enrolled in a system with amazon that doesn't allow me to do this often. A
I will post a longer post about it later.
*update: the post previously said 3day but it's a 2 day promotion.
if you're interested to know important things about the series:
This note is very important. It's no secret that the storyline of the prequels causes a lot of confusion to some readers, aka following timeline and wanting to interpret what's said between the lines.
For those of you who do have this feeling you need to know 4 things:
1 -
I wrote the PREQUELS for one main reason: I was getting ridiculous hate emails, accusing me that Snow White Sorrow is a rip off four other novels. If I post a sample of the emails, you'd roll your eyes, but i never do that because i consider emails to be confidential. So the prequels' main purpose is for you to experience a glimpse of what the world in the main books is like, and for me to stop those ridiculous plagiarism accusation from fans of other authors which i respect. Thank God that by now I receive some email praising how original the books are.
2 -
The prequels are random diaries from the characters' point of views at random times, so it is actually impossible to get your hands on a main story line. But you get to learn important things that actually make you want to read the series or not. Like that the seven dwarves will not be dwarves, they will be other fairy tale characters, so you get how this is going.
Reading the prequels is no way necessary for you to read the books. They just tell you what it's about, like if you don't like how Peter Pan and Sleeping Beauty are portrayed in the prequels, you will not want to read the books.
The first books start with Loki, a Dreamhunter, on a mission to kill an immortal vampire -
Snow White - in her dream. From this point on, Loki gets to know what this world is about. And Snow White isn't a shallowe character. Book two is all about her.
PS.I try my best to post the prequels for free but I am enrolled in a system with amazon that doesn't allow me to do this often. A
I will post a longer post about it later.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
A quick update about the Grimm Diaries Prequels: Ashes to Ashe and Cinder to Cinder will not be book #2 anymore. What number will it be? I don't know at the moment. Book 2 will be Beauty Never Dies, narrated by Peter Pan.
The idea popped in my head while watching Prometheus. I was blown away. Ridley Scott is one of my all time favorite directors. But i was disappointed by the negative reviews. Having totally loved the film, i had to think how this was even possible, to get such bad reviews. Then it hit me in the face. I read that when Blade Runner ( one the classics of science fiction ) came out, no one liked it. And look at it now. An all time favorite. And that's who Ridley Scott is. He almost see in the future. Take from me. 10 years from now, everyone will gush about how awesome Prometheus is.
So what does this have to do with changing a lot of things in the prequels?
Other than the writing problems ( which is being fixed now ), I got a lot of email from reader who were confused by the prequels. They told me that they would have preferred if the Snow White Blood Red was a stand alone gem since they liked it very much.
To be honest, this is my fault. I tried to make the mistake of Prometheus, which is starting with a grand idea and delving into all possibilities with the readers before they could really get a better hand of the plot. This cause confusion to alot of people, and it actually made some people think that this is a soap opera and not a fun YA series.
So for you who read Ashes to Ashes and Cinder to Cinder and like it, my apologies for now since it can't be book number 2.
I made the books much easier to read and follow, so the second Peter Pan diary makes more sense and will reveal things in an easier way.
The idea popped in my head while watching Prometheus. I was blown away. Ridley Scott is one of my all time favorite directors. But i was disappointed by the negative reviews. Having totally loved the film, i had to think how this was even possible, to get such bad reviews. Then it hit me in the face. I read that when Blade Runner ( one the classics of science fiction ) came out, no one liked it. And look at it now. An all time favorite. And that's who Ridley Scott is. He almost see in the future. Take from me. 10 years from now, everyone will gush about how awesome Prometheus is.
So what does this have to do with changing a lot of things in the prequels?
Other than the writing problems ( which is being fixed now ), I got a lot of email from reader who were confused by the prequels. They told me that they would have preferred if the Snow White Blood Red was a stand alone gem since they liked it very much.
To be honest, this is my fault. I tried to make the mistake of Prometheus, which is starting with a grand idea and delving into all possibilities with the readers before they could really get a better hand of the plot. This cause confusion to alot of people, and it actually made some people think that this is a soap opera and not a fun YA series.
So for you who read Ashes to Ashes and Cinder to Cinder and like it, my apologies for now since it can't be book number 2.
I made the books much easier to read and follow, so the second Peter Pan diary makes more sense and will reveal things in an easier way.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Thinking out loud
So the last month was really hectic for me. I had to do all the marketing and write the prequels as fast as I could.
The cons: the writing came out hurried and shattered, and I haven't been behind on my real writing schedule, and extremely tired.
The pros: All feedback, positive and negative, did shine a light on my strengths and weaknesses ( although the prequels were in no way a true reflection to how I write, and as I said I am not a writer. I am storyteller ) But the feedback is just awesome to me, and I can't thank you enough. Everyone who spent a portion of his or her time to read and review has helped me a great deal.
Also, the feedback made me learn things about my story, and how thing will turn out. I am not going to complain that the reason I have done the prequels was mainly to end the endless discussions claiming that my work was stolen ideas from other. And that's really enough for me.
As for those I have really hurt with the way the prequels were written and unedited ( not everyone was hurt by that though ), I hope you will like the edited versions.
At the moment, I can't put out the 3d prequel, even though it is by far my favorite. The reason is I have an editor working on the last two prequels which amazon.com will notify you once they are edited and you will be able to re-download the newer and better versions soon.
Until then, I will be happy to disappear for while so i can finish the writing I have to do. So far The Grimm Diaries one and two are fully finished and edited ( believe it or not lol ) and I have to finish another series that I have started. Although editing costs alot, it's inevitable. I have enrolled in writing classes again in august so I get better and better.
One thing you don't know about me is I never give up.
So again thank you thank you thank you for every word you read or have written about the prequels.
And finally, since I have been asked, about my twitter account it is @cameronjace
It wasn't like was holding out on it. It's only that the account is my personal one as a human being and not a wanna be writer but now I understand that both are one.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
10 ebook giveaways of Snow White Blood Red
As you might know Snow White Blood Red was free on kindle amazon for some time. It's due to amazon's policy that I can't give the book for free, and I can't sell outside of amazon for sometime due to a contract.
Since i got some emails still requesting the books, I decided to do the best I can. I am giving ten ebooks for as a gift through amazon.
If you're interested, send me and email at camjace [at] hotmail.com, or just write your name and email in the comments.
I only have 10. And you don't even have to have a kindle. All you need to have an amazon.com account. Please remember send me the email you use for the amazon.com account.
and about the next two installment will be out next week I think. I already have them finished but I am trying to not give away of the plot as much as possible, and it's not easy :)
Thanks a lot :)
here is Snow White Blood Red on amazon.com if you need to read about it Click HERE
Note: for everyone who complained about grammer, spelling, and editing mistakes -- and have already purchased the books -- I have an editor working on it right now. Amazon.com will notify everyone who has purchased the book with availability of a reedited version when it's done. I will also blog about it to let you know.
Since i got some emails still requesting the books, I decided to do the best I can. I am giving ten ebooks for as a gift through amazon.
If you're interested, send me and email at camjace [at] hotmail.com, or just write your name and email in the comments.
I only have 10. And you don't even have to have a kindle. All you need to have an amazon.com account. Please remember send me the email you use for the amazon.com account.
and about the next two installment will be out next week I think. I already have them finished but I am trying to not give away of the plot as much as possible, and it's not easy :)
Thanks a lot :)
here is Snow White Blood Red on amazon.com if you need to read about it Click HERE
Thursday, June 7, 2012
The Grimm Diaries Prequels FAQ 1
I got a couple of questions about the Prequels. Before I start, I can't explain my appreciation to everyone who took the time to read and review the novellas. I am certainly lucky to have people spread the word and I have to mention that I am self-published, I am proud to be Indie ( I was published once when I was a teen under another name but it didn't go that well and I cherish writing on my own )
Before I answer these, I want to point out that the books are linear and not complicated at all. In order for me to write a prequel it is impossible to write the linear part because I will be spoiling the whole series. So if you ever feel that the Dreamworld is complicated, don't. In the main series, everything works easily and you only get to know a certain information at the right time so the rythem of reading is not interrupted.
The Prequels are by no means a necessity to read the main Series. Not at all. In fact, it would be more fun to go back to the prequels between books in the Grimm Diaries series.
Ok.This post will answer lireah, Lily, and Katniss and Tessa's questions
I summed them up into points:
1 Why were the prequels written
the prequels were written last week to clear the confusion about that Snow White Sorrow is a rip off of so many other books, and also a good tool for me to spread the word. In truth, I know that the prequels will be confusing to many readers because of the so many different point of views and so many different stories.
2 What is the timeline of the Prequels?
The answer might be strange: There is no timeline. For two reasons:
1 The Grimm Diaries are a book in which Sandman Grimm seals the relived fairy tale stories every one hundred years. Anything written in the prequels is debatable. It means that they could be lies. that's why they are not attached to the real Diary. ( hence, the main series )
2 The Dreamworld is simply the world we create while we're asleep. When a Dreamhunter enters the dream of an Immortal ( which is explained how in details in the main series ) they either enter a memory or a manipulated dream ( spoiler: some immortal have learned to control their dreams. )
3 You mention all prequels will be fairy tale characters ( Alice Grimm? )
I can't answer this. Oops. But I'll answer part of it, which you will hate me for.
Remember when the queen mentioned the power of names? And when it was explained that fairy character don't know who they are?
Also I got a couple of reader loving Alice. I hate to say she will not be present for the first two books. ( but she will have a story of her own soon ( a much longer story that I will put on amazon )
4 Who is the Alice behind the curtain? Is she the same Alice?"
Yes. How come? Remember that curtain scene in Jacob's Grimm's dream which the Queen entered with the help of a dreamhunter. Alice entered this dream too to extract information about the Queen. And remember that Alice found the Queen's mirror coins in the glass slippers? It means that the queen somehow entered Alice and Loki when they entered Bianca's dream ( and she might have hurt Bianca on the boat ) This gives you an insight of how the Dreamworld happens.
5 Will this point of view changing be present in the main series? because it is confusing.
POV's will change in each book in the main series, but it will not be confusing at all. What is confusing the prequels is the changing POV plus the timeline plus the dream.
I'll spoil another small thing in the series here. In the first book Snow White Sorrow, we meet Loki ( he is one of three main character. although it might look differently because there many character, it's not. Loki, Snow White, and another character are the main throughout the series and the main villain is the Queen. ) So in Snow White Sorrow, Loki goes to kill Snow White in her castle and discover a shocking twister and the story goes on. Then in Cinderella Dressed in Ashes, Snow White takes over telling the same story same story Loki was telling ( so no timeline confusion ) and Loki becomes a character we see from Snow White's POV. and so on ,,, in the third book a new character takes over, telling the same story.
6 Will Alice be a main protagonist?
No. I know some of you showed their fondness toward Alice but wait and meet Snow White, Elektra, Blair, and Zizzy ( yes his name is Zizzy :) ) they are Alice's age.
7 You said your book is optioned for film. Were the heck did that come from?
two readers pointed out to a post that I wrote about the books mentioned for film.
I have no idea about this. The books are not mentioned for film. I do have one of my older books under a different pen name optioned for film since a year ago and no one ever tells me if it will work. It was mentioned for French cinema and it's not a young adult book so it is really different.
If you have a link for that article that said that , please mention it to me.
8 You have tons of grammar and spelling mistakes. what the heck ( double heck ) was that!
Guilty as charged. lilreah offered to mention the mistakes to me. Please do. If you can mention it to me, you're helping me tons.
Also I had some reviews say that my writing is so bad ( some said so good )
by all means, anything that will help me improve my writing, if you take the time to tell me what it is exactly, I will owe you much.
finally, for those confused by the prequels. Forget about the many details. Be just introduced to the characters, and know that the seven dwarves aren't dwarves. They are real characters, each connected to one of the items Snow White found in the cottage in the original tale. If I say more, I will have to spoil more and more.
I got a couple of questions about the Prequels. Before I start, I can't explain my appreciation to everyone who took the time to read and review the novellas. I am certainly lucky to have people spread the word and I have to mention that I am self-published, I am proud to be Indie ( I was published once when I was a teen under another name but it didn't go that well and I cherish writing on my own )
Before I answer these, I want to point out that the books are linear and not complicated at all. In order for me to write a prequel it is impossible to write the linear part because I will be spoiling the whole series. So if you ever feel that the Dreamworld is complicated, don't. In the main series, everything works easily and you only get to know a certain information at the right time so the rythem of reading is not interrupted.
The Prequels are by no means a necessity to read the main Series. Not at all. In fact, it would be more fun to go back to the prequels between books in the Grimm Diaries series.
Ok.This post will answer lireah, Lily, and Katniss and Tessa's questions
I summed them up into points:
1 Why were the prequels written
the prequels were written last week to clear the confusion about that Snow White Sorrow is a rip off of so many other books, and also a good tool for me to spread the word. In truth, I know that the prequels will be confusing to many readers because of the so many different point of views and so many different stories.
2 What is the timeline of the Prequels?
The answer might be strange: There is no timeline. For two reasons:
1 The Grimm Diaries are a book in which Sandman Grimm seals the relived fairy tale stories every one hundred years. Anything written in the prequels is debatable. It means that they could be lies. that's why they are not attached to the real Diary. ( hence, the main series )
2 The Dreamworld is simply the world we create while we're asleep. When a Dreamhunter enters the dream of an Immortal ( which is explained how in details in the main series ) they either enter a memory or a manipulated dream ( spoiler: some immortal have learned to control their dreams. )
3 You mention all prequels will be fairy tale characters ( Alice Grimm? )
I can't answer this. Oops. But I'll answer part of it, which you will hate me for.
Remember when the queen mentioned the power of names? And when it was explained that fairy character don't know who they are?
Also I got a couple of reader loving Alice. I hate to say she will not be present for the first two books. ( but she will have a story of her own soon ( a much longer story that I will put on amazon )
4 Who is the Alice behind the curtain? Is she the same Alice?"
Yes. How come? Remember that curtain scene in Jacob's Grimm's dream which the Queen entered with the help of a dreamhunter. Alice entered this dream too to extract information about the Queen. And remember that Alice found the Queen's mirror coins in the glass slippers? It means that the queen somehow entered Alice and Loki when they entered Bianca's dream ( and she might have hurt Bianca on the boat ) This gives you an insight of how the Dreamworld happens.
5 Will this point of view changing be present in the main series? because it is confusing.
POV's will change in each book in the main series, but it will not be confusing at all. What is confusing the prequels is the changing POV plus the timeline plus the dream.
I'll spoil another small thing in the series here. In the first book Snow White Sorrow, we meet Loki ( he is one of three main character. although it might look differently because there many character, it's not. Loki, Snow White, and another character are the main throughout the series and the main villain is the Queen. ) So in Snow White Sorrow, Loki goes to kill Snow White in her castle and discover a shocking twister and the story goes on. Then in Cinderella Dressed in Ashes, Snow White takes over telling the same story same story Loki was telling ( so no timeline confusion ) and Loki becomes a character we see from Snow White's POV. and so on ,,, in the third book a new character takes over, telling the same story.
6 Will Alice be a main protagonist?
No. I know some of you showed their fondness toward Alice but wait and meet Snow White, Elektra, Blair, and Zizzy ( yes his name is Zizzy :) ) they are Alice's age.
7 You said your book is optioned for film. Were the heck did that come from?
two readers pointed out to a post that I wrote about the books mentioned for film.
I have no idea about this. The books are not mentioned for film. I do have one of my older books under a different pen name optioned for film since a year ago and no one ever tells me if it will work. It was mentioned for French cinema and it's not a young adult book so it is really different.
If you have a link for that article that said that , please mention it to me.
8 You have tons of grammar and spelling mistakes. what the heck ( double heck ) was that!
Guilty as charged. lilreah offered to mention the mistakes to me. Please do. If you can mention it to me, you're helping me tons.
Also I had some reviews say that my writing is so bad ( some said so good )
by all means, anything that will help me improve my writing, if you take the time to tell me what it is exactly, I will owe you much.
finally, for those confused by the prequels. Forget about the many details. Be just introduced to the characters, and know that the seven dwarves aren't dwarves. They are real characters, each connected to one of the items Snow White found in the cottage in the original tale. If I say more, I will have to spoil more and more.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
3-days Free Kindle ebook promotion Ashes to Ashes and Cinder to Cinder
Note: it was my intention to make all prequels free all the time since it's not the series but I can only offer 5 day per Amazon.com
All reviews are extremely appreciated : A one star makes a better writer of m than the 5 star. But the 5 star makes me happy :)
Ashes to Ashes and Cinder to Cinder ( A Grimm Diaries Prequel #2 )
is going to be available on kindle amazon.com for FREE for three days from Wednesday 06/27/2012 midnight
feel free to downloaded for free HERE
and again here is the link for Snow White Blood Red since it is still free for two days

feel free to downloaded for free HERE
Note: it was my intention to make all prequels free all the time since it's not the series but I can only offer 5 day per Amazon.com
All reviews are extremely appreciated : A one star makes a better writer of m than the 5 star. But the 5 star makes me happy :)
Saturday, June 2, 2012
3-days Free Kindle ebook promotion Snow White Blood Red
Snow White Blood Red ( A Grimm Diaries Prequel #1 )
is going to be available on kindle amazon.com for FREE for three days from Tuesday midnight 06/05/2012 until the end of Thursday 06/07/2012
Snow White Blood Red ( A Grimm Diaries Prequel #1 )
is going to be available on kindle amazon.com for FREE for three days from Tuesday midnight 06/05/2012 until the end of Thursday 06/07/2012

feel free to downloaded for free HERE
Thursday, May 31, 2012
The Grimm Diaries Prequels
Today I finished what was keeping me busy for the whole week. As you might know I claim that I have written a new series that tells the truth about fairy tales ( please don't throw tomato at me. Apples, I am fine with )
Anyway, to give a hint about what the Grimm Diaries will read like, I decided to publish around seven short stories ( around ten thousand words each ) that I call the Grimm Diaries Prequels.
So what in the name of the Evil Queen is that?!!
Ok. The Grimm Diaries series is a collection of diaries of fairy tale characters, telling the truth about the tales that the Grimm Brothers once forged for reason of their own. -- Or so I claim. Sorry Grimms. I have German blood in me too so not offense. These diaries are collected in a seven volume that is called --- ummm , guess what? the Grimm Diaries . Taraaa!
So every diary has some mini entries, small writings of things that were thought of a trivial in a day that wasn't that full of events. This is what the Grimm Prequels are ... with a twist .. that what's written in them is by no means trivial.
Each of the Grimm Prequels is also told by one of the fairy tales character, and will give the reader a great insight of what this series is about -- i have to remind you that this a YA, paranormal, adventure, fantasy, fairy tale retelling, and romance series ( what genre haven't I left out? ) By that i mean there is no erotica in it, since many retellings do favor that part. There are some scary scene but that isn't the theme of the series. If I am allowed to say, I would say it's like nothing I have ever read -- and i write books that I wish have been written but weren't. The series theme is FUN. I like fun books, stir some romance, two grains of paranormal, so chilli emotional horror, and mixed with jokes and silliness, then add a lot of sugary adolescence, and let boil seven times.
Of course at the end if the day, you might feel you want to crush me with an honest review if you're picky about grammar issues and some other editorial stuff i can't afford right now. But stick with me. I might one day make it to the 101 book in the 100 hundred bestseller list. Who knows.
I know I can't stop talking ( which might be the reason why I write ) so this is an announcement for the Grimm Diaries Prequels.
If you do kindly read them and have questions please do email on catch somewhere on the internet. T
And again, the series is only a teaser for the bigger series The Grimm Diaries which I think I will publish its first book next October. It's called Snow White Sorrow
So here is a list with the kindle teasers for the Grimm Diaries
Snow White Red Blood
Ashes to Ashes and Cinder to Cinder
If Butterflies Could Kill
A Dream within A Dream
P.S. I did want the teaser series on kindle to become absolute free, but amazon.com said it isn't possible and that the lowest price could only be 0.99
They offer five days free which i will use and will blog about the dates.
Anyway, to give a hint about what the Grimm Diaries will read like, I decided to publish around seven short stories ( around ten thousand words each ) that I call the Grimm Diaries Prequels.
So what in the name of the Evil Queen is that?!!
Ok. The Grimm Diaries series is a collection of diaries of fairy tale characters, telling the truth about the tales that the Grimm Brothers once forged for reason of their own. -- Or so I claim. Sorry Grimms. I have German blood in me too so not offense. These diaries are collected in a seven volume that is called --- ummm , guess what? the Grimm Diaries . Taraaa!
So every diary has some mini entries, small writings of things that were thought of a trivial in a day that wasn't that full of events. This is what the Grimm Prequels are ... with a twist .. that what's written in them is by no means trivial.
Each of the Grimm Prequels is also told by one of the fairy tales character, and will give the reader a great insight of what this series is about -- i have to remind you that this a YA, paranormal, adventure, fantasy, fairy tale retelling, and romance series ( what genre haven't I left out? ) By that i mean there is no erotica in it, since many retellings do favor that part. There are some scary scene but that isn't the theme of the series. If I am allowed to say, I would say it's like nothing I have ever read -- and i write books that I wish have been written but weren't. The series theme is FUN. I like fun books, stir some romance, two grains of paranormal, so chilli emotional horror, and mixed with jokes and silliness, then add a lot of sugary adolescence, and let boil seven times.
Of course at the end if the day, you might feel you want to crush me with an honest review if you're picky about grammar issues and some other editorial stuff i can't afford right now. But stick with me. I might one day make it to the 101 book in the 100 hundred bestseller list. Who knows.
I know I can't stop talking ( which might be the reason why I write ) so this is an announcement for the Grimm Diaries Prequels.
If you do kindly read them and have questions please do email on catch somewhere on the internet. T
And again, the series is only a teaser for the bigger series The Grimm Diaries which I think I will publish its first book next October. It's called Snow White Sorrow
So here is a list with the kindle teasers for the Grimm Diaries
Snow White Red Blood
Ashes to Ashes and Cinder to Cinder
If Butterflies Could Kill
A Dream within A Dream
P.S. I did want the teaser series on kindle to become absolute free, but amazon.com said it isn't possible and that the lowest price could only be 0.99
They offer five days free which i will use and will blog about the dates.
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